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Studio Rules for Adults

For Parents and Adult Students

  • Please check your emails, our Facebook page, and the KBA app for information and announcements about schedule changes, weather closings, and upcoming events.

  • Please put the student’s name in all dance shoes, bags, and clothes.

  • Students should arrive 10 minutes before class to prepare for class and use the restroom if needed.

  • All students must follow the KBA dress code policy.

  • Dance shoes should not be worn outside of the building.

  • We kindly ask that students stay home if he or she is sick. A mask can be worn if getting over a cold.

  • Contact the studio if you or your child will be missing class. Email / message us through Facebook or the KBA app / call studio 570-582-9100.

  • No child will be allowed to leave with anyone other than a parent unless we have prior notice from the parent that signed the child up for classes.

  • Students should be picked up promptly after class. Call the studio if you will be more than 5 minutes late. (570-582-9100)

  • Please do not leave any young children unattended in the waiting area, restroom or hallway.

For Students taking class

For Students attending class

  • Sign in using the KBA app when you arrive.

  • Use restrooms before class to avoid disruptions.

  • All students should arrive 10 min early in their assigned classroom attire with their hair properly secured and dance shoes on.

  • All students must follow the KBA dress code policy.

  • Please wait quietly in the hallway near the studio. If you must talk, stay in the office/waiting area.

  • No jewelry may be worn to class other than small earrings.

  • Teachers reserve the right to dismiss any student from class who continuously disrupts. A parent/teacher conference must take place before a “dismissed student” may return to class, and the student will be allowed to attend make-up classes.

  • A student arriving more than 15 minutes late may have to observe class. This is not a punishment but is done to avoid injury from not properly warming up. A make-up class can be taken.

Studio Etiquette

Expected behavior in class

  • Leave your coat and shoes in the cubby outside the studio.

  • Please use the hand sanitizer as needed during class.

  • No climbing, lounging, or hanging on the ballet barre.

  • Please do not touch the mirrors. They are not glass and can puncture or crack if poked.

  • Cell phones must be silenced and remain untouched during class.

  • No food or gum is permitted in the studio. Only water with a closable lid.

  • Eyes and attention must always be on the teacher. Talking or leaving class before it is over is not acceptable.

  • Everyone will get corrections. Be appreciative of corrections as they help you improve. Students will progress only as well as they can when they take corrections and use them.

  • Students show respect for others by: keeping their hands to themselves during class, waiting quietly for others to have a turn, waiting until the music is finished before entering the classroom if they are late to class, and talking only when spoken to by the instructor (or asking a question).

  • Any student who repeatedly disrupts the class will be dismissed from class that day. This could result in a parent/teacher conference with the student.

  • If a student needs to leave early, he/she must ask the teacher’s permission before class begins. Please leave discreetly so as not to disrupt class. 

  • Every class ends with clapping. You are thanking the teacher, showing respect for yourself and fellow students, and letting people outside the studio know the class is over.

103 Rotary Drive

West Hazleton, PA 18202

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